Do Professional Editors care about FCPX (anymore)? – The Backlash!

Do Professional Editors care about FCPX (anymore)? - The Backlash! 1

Okay, I'll be the first to say that the backlash from the original article was massive.  Mostly negative.  Some positive, but mostly negative.   The original article was a commentary on Larry Jordan's Amsterdam Supermeet conference on whether FCPX was ready for Professional use.  Funny thing was that all the article bashers were attacking me […]

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Alexa, Epic, and F65 get the Single Candle test

CML just posted a few low-light comparison images from the Sony F65, RED Epic, and ARRI Alexa cameras. There is also one from from the F55, shooting the only ISO option that was available at the time of the test. All cameras were shooting log, and they have included DPX frames that you are free […]

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